Welcome to the New Jersey Association of Learning Consultants

The aim of the Association of Learning Consultants (ALC) reflects a deep commitment to the profession of the Learning Disabilities Teacher Consulant (LDTC) as an educational leader in the state of New Jersey. The aims and purposes of the ALC are:

1. Promote wider public understanding of the role of the members of ALC in their professions;

2. Strengthen the competencies of members through high quality workshops and by serving as a recognized provider for professional development in the state of New Jersey (Professional Development Provider #256);

3. Stimulate creative thinking in the development of instructional materials and techniques;

4. Encourage research in the assessment of learning processes;

5. Disseminate information concerning studies, research and publications in the field of learning, assessment and instruction;

6. Cooperate with education groups and other professional disciplines in furthering the purposes of the ALC;

7. Maintain the research fund to support projects monitored by the James Jan-Tausch Research Committee;

8. Raise funds to support its purposes;

9. Increase membership participation in organizational leadership and

10. Support and strengthen professional standards and practices.


What is a Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant?

The Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant is a master teacher who functions in the school environment as an educational diagnostician, instructional programmer, Child Study Team member, educational consultant and instructional leader. The LDT-C must have the professional preparation to make assessments, analyses, and classifications of students’ learning differences; understand and implement special education law; plan and facilitate delivery of programs for children with learning differences; transfer specific and successful instructional techniques to classroom teachers through consultation, collaboration, and in-service education; and effectively communicate with parents, teachers and administrators. An educational assessment shall be the responsibility of a learning disabilities teacher consultant employed by the district board of education. It shall include observations of the student in other than a testing session, review of the student’s educational history, conferences with the student’s teacher(s), and an evaluation and analysis of the student’s academic performance and learning characteristics.

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